Sunday, December 15, 2019

Quilt As You Go Table Runner

In my last post, I shared a photo of my fabrics that I'm using for my "current" project. Like most any other crafter, I have MULTIPLE projects going at once! A good portion of that project has been pieced but, I've put the brakes on it for now.

Above is my Sasha. Thinking she is helping me. She's not. :o) I was trying to piece my strips together for the runner I've just finished. It's a super easy pattern and I may make it again, although in different fabrics of course.

Here are some of my strips for my table runner. I chose this pack from several other pre-cut sets at my local Wal-Mart. I actually have 2 Wal-Marts in my town and shopping at both has made me realize they don't carry exactly the same items for everything. So I can get a good variation by shopping at both.

The pattern for this table runner is actually inspired by the Quilt As You Go Placemats from The Midnight Quilt Show.

(BTW, I LOVE her show! She creates some fantastic quilts and she's funny too!)
I was very indecisive with my color placement. In hers, she did the light in the middle and darker on the ends. I did the same except my middle lighter colors are the same fabric.
Below is my piecing the strips onto the batting and backing.

As you can see, this quilt was super easy to piece the strips onto the backing and batting. This is actually my first Quilt As You Go creation and I loved it!

Once you have all the strips attached to the quilt sandwich, you can see on the reverse the initial stitching. I usually just use a cream or muslin backing for many of my projects. Sometimes, I do use a printed fabric that matches the front.

For the actual quilting, I just did some stitch-in-the-ditch around the center shapes and then did some following about half an inch away. I also did stitch along the joining of each strip.

For the binding, I put aside the darkest fabric of the strip pack, which also happened to be the fabric with all of the colors of the palette in it.

Here's my finish table runner! It's been some time since I pieced and quilted and even put on binding. I'm a little rusty but not bad at all!

Thanks for reading!

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